summer craft show wrap-up + new tote bags

This past Saturday night I attended my last craft fair of the summer season at Squam Lake here in NH. It was such a lovely evening, and a wonderful way to cap off a summer of many craft shows. I feel like I learned so much preparing and attending events these past few months---a feeling I'm sure is shared by fellow makers who sell their work in person!

I learned about which products sold best to which crowd (lavender sachets were an overall hit and drew people to my table with their scent); the best way to label items with their prices so they were easy to read; and how to fine tune my display, especially when it came to quilts and pillows. I took notes at each event and wrote down customer feedback and new product ideas. Though each show was quite different, I feel like they all taught me something---even if it was simply that it wasn't the right show for me!

One of the new items that I introduced into the line-up this summer was color-block tote bags, featuring prints from Ellen Luckett Baker's Stamped line. I have a few left from the shows, so I thought now would be a great time to share them with those of you who couldn't make it out to see me this summer---they are now in the shop!

Each one is fully lined and features double top-stitching, a sturdy cotton duck bottom, and durable cotton webbing handles. These totes are limited edition, and you can find them all here.

I'm now getting ready for holiday shows (sending in applications and building inventory) and what I hope will be a busy season. Be sure to keep an eye on the blog's sidebar, where I'll post all upcoming events and shows, to find out where I'll be this fall and winter.

Happy weekend to you all!

P.S. Don't forget that next Tuesday, September 29, will be the first official link-up for the Modern Sampler Quilt Along!  Be sure to swing by and share a link to either a blog post or an Instagram photo of your finished Block A, and tag all of your quilt along photos with the hashtag #modernsamplerquiltalong. I can't wait to see what you've been working on!