do. good stitches: arkansas traveler quilt

I've always loved this quilt by Ara Jane of the blog You Know What I Love? So when it was my turn to ask for blocks from my do. Good Stitches circle members back in January, I soon thought of Ara Jane's gorgeous quilt, and asked everyone to send me an Arkansas Traveler block, using this image for color inspiration. (You can find a great tutorial for the block over here.)

I fell in love with every block that was sent, and assembled them into this baby quilt, which I quilted with an imperfect, one-inch grid. For the backing, I used a well-coordinated floral print that I picked up from the $2.97/yard table at the fabric store I worked at a few years ago. The binding is scrappy and bright.

The quilt washed up crinkly and soft, and will be donated to Project Linus this Saturday during the Make a Blanket Day that's happening at Spoonflower.

Have you recently finished anything that had been sitting in your WIP pile for a while? If so, please share in the comments---I'd love to see!

Each month, I make quilt blocks for the Wish Circle of do. Good Stitches, which our group then turns into quilts that we donate to Project Linus. You can see all of my past blocks here.