Blog / swaps

bend-the-rules sewing swap: what i sent

A few months ago, I participated in a Bend-the-Rules Sewing Swap for a pair of pillowcases, based on a pattern found in Amy Karol's book, Bend-the-Rules Sewing

Mary Ann, the owner of the Etsy shop Rumpos (which features playscapes, totes, and household items), was my swap partner, and these are the pillowcases that I made for her.
The front of each pillowcase features a square of flowered fabric...
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2010 calendar swap: what i received

In exchange for the calendar that I sent to my swap partner, (for the calendar swap put together by Design Crush and i am a greedy girl), I received a lovely letterpress calendar by Delphine Press.
Here are some of my favorite months:
June and April
Come January, this calendar will be gracing the wall above my desk at work.
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2010 calendar swap: what i sent

This past month, I participated in the calendar swap organized by Design Crush and i am a greedy girl. My swap partner sent the following suggestions on what she was looking for:
  • wall calendar
  • something with letterpress (though not necessary)
  • something with her favorite colors, teal and gray
  • something that incorporates minimalism, geometric shapes, and patterns
I browsed through the calendar round-ups on Design Crush and did some searching on Etsy, and decided on this calendar:

It's a wall calendar printed by Customized Stationary and includes both patterns and geometric shapes. Score. 

Luckily for me, Amanda, the lovely gal behind Customized Stationary, is currently offering a 20% discount on holiday purchases. Since this put me just under the suggested $20-$30 price range for the swap, I decided to supplement my swap partner's package with a little bit of handmade goodness. Plus, I wanted to give her something that incorporated gray and teal, her favorite colors. And so, I made her a little tissue holder:


Stay tuned to find out what calendar I received.
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