do. Good Stitches: Churn Dash Quilt

Way back in, oh, you know, JULY, I tasked my fellow members of the Wish Circle of do. Good Stitches with making two churn dash blocks, using solid black and low-volume prints. Six months later, and during my short holiday break, I finally managed to quilt and bind our quilt---my first finish of 2014!

I was obviously on a black + low-volume print kick when we started this project (my houndstooth quilt is further evidence of that). I really love how the black can recede into the background and form a grid when seen from certain angles.

For the back, I used a few cream-and-black prints that had been hanging out in my stash for awhile; it was nice to finally put them to good use.

In addition to donating our group's quilt to Project Linus this weekend, I'll also be donating a small quilt that I made two years ago. The front is a pixelated heart, made from red and pink solid squares, and the back features a Japanese goldfish print.

I'm so happy to finally get both of these quilts off the studio shelf and out to people who can enjoy them!