before + after: side chair

Back in March, I had the pleasure of participating in a weekend upholstery class at Spruce, a local upholstery studio (something I've wanted to do for ages!). For the class, I brought in a super comfy side chair that had been given to me by my parents-in-law.
Over the course of the two-day workshop, I stripped the chair, painted its wood white, rebuilt its cushioning, and reupholstered it using a combination of vintage floral fabric from Thread-Bare and new solid olive green (a color which is ridiculously difficult to capture on film!) upholstery fabric.
Image from Spruce.
The welt cord outlining the chair's edges is made from the floral fabric, which contains shades of cream, teal, brown, and sage green.
The project was pretty physically demanding (I had sore shoulders and hands for a few days after), but totally worth it. I especially love how the back of the chair frames the vintage floral fabric.